To the two-dimensional character of superconducting transition for undoped HTS


  • G. G. Sergeeva National Scientific Center " Physico-Tekhnical Insititute ", 1 Academicheskaya st., Kharkov 310108, Ukraine



PACS: 74.72.Hs


The dimensional 3D®2D crossover is studied for quisi-two-dimensional HTS in a superconducting state. Using the general laws of superconducting state for 2D and 3D systems a universal dependence of the relation between penetration lengths of magnetic field along axis ĉ , l2(0)/l2(T/Tc), is obtained. It is shown that this dependence leads to the known universal relation between the temperature of super-conducting transition, Tc, and the value of l-2(0) for quisi-two-dimensional HTS. This permits the temperature of dimensional crossover, Tcr < Tc, to be defined as the boundary of two-dimensional region, where the measured values of l2(0)/l2(T/Tc) at T > Tcr begin to depart from the universal relation obtained. It is shown that the region of three-dimensional superconducting fluctuations is finite evidencing the two-dimensional character of super-conducting transition for quisi-two-dimensional HTS.


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How to Cite

Sergeeva Г. Г. To the Two-Dimensional Character of Superconducting Transition for Undoped HTS. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2001, 27, 845-849.



Superconductivity, Including High-Temperature Superconductivity

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