Mechanisms of critical current limitation in YBCO thin film structures


  • S. Benacka Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 842 39 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
  • V. Strbik Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 842 39 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
  • S. Chromik Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 842 39 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
  • R. Adam Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 842 39 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
  • M. Darula Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 842 39 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
  • S. Gazi Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 842 39 Bratislava, Slovak Republic


Ключові слова:

PACS: 74.76.Bz, 74.72.Bk, 74.50. r, 74.80.Fp


The limitation of critical current in high Tc superconducting YBCO thin films has a varied nature according to the quality of YBCO films. Our results showed that in strips from granular films the weak links of superconductor-normal metal-superconductor and superconductor-constriction-superconductor types were responsible for critical current limitation. In the YBCO strips with improved (preferential) crystallographic orientation a flux-creep critical current limitation was found and in the highly oriented YBCO strips the Ginzburg-Landau depairing mechanism approximated the critical current limitation for temperature close to Tc




Як цитувати

Benacka, S.; Strbik, V.; Chromik, S.; Adam, R.; Darula, M.; Gazi, S. Mechanisms of Critical Current Limitation in YBCO Thin Film Structures. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 1998, 24, 621-623.



Надпровідність, зокрема високотемпературна


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