Electronic and magnetic properties of the ferromagnetic superconductor UCoGe


  • V.N. Antonov Institute for Metal Physics, 36 Vernadsky Str., 03142 Kiev, Ukraine



Ключові слова:

heavy fermion, x-ray magnetic circular dichnoism spectra.


The electronic structure and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) spectra of the ferromagnetic superconductor UCoGe at the U N4,5, Ge and Co K and Co L2,3 edges were investigated theoretically from first principles, using the fully relativistic Dirac linear muffin-tin orbital band structure method. The electronic structure is obtained with the local spin-density approximation (LSDA), as well as with a generalization of the LSDA+U method which takes into account the non-diagonal occupation matrix (in spin indexes) of localized electrons. A stable ferromagnetic ground state was found. The uranium total magnetic moment is quite small (about –0.171μB) in the LSDA approximation as a result of almost complete cancellation between the spin magnetic moment of 0.657 μB and the opposite orbital magnetic moment of –0.828 μB, resulting from strong spin-orbit coupling at the uranium site. Valency of U ion in UCoGe is close to 3+. The ratio orbital and spin magnetic moments Ml/Ms ranged from 1.163 in the GGA approach up to 2.456 for the LSDA+U calculations is smaller than the corresponding ratio for the free ion U3+ value (2.60), it can indicate a significant delocalization of the 5f-electron states due to the hybridization of the U 5f electrons with the conduction band and Co 3d electrons. The line shape of the dichroic spectra at the U M5 and M4 edges predicted by considering the magneto-optical selection rules as well as the occupation and the energy sequence of the mj-projected partial densities of states. The theoretically calculated XMCD spectra at the U M4,5, Ge and Co K and Co L2,3 edges are in good agreement with the experimentally measured spectra.




Як цитувати

Antonov, V. Electronic and Magnetic Properties of the Ferromagnetic Superconductor UCoGe. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2016, 43, 68-80.





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