Thermal conductivity of donor-doped GaN measured with 3ω and stationary methods

10th International Conference on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals (Final part)


  • O. Churiukova W. Trzebiatowski Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research Polish Academy of Sciences 2 Okólna Str., Wroclaw 50-422, Poland
  • A. Jeżowski W. Trzebiatowski Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research Polish Academy of Sciences 2 Okólna Str., Wroclaw 50-422, Poland
  • P. Stachowiak W. Trzebiatowski Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research Polish Academy of Sciences 2 Okólna Str., Wroclaw 50-422, Poland
  • J. Mucha W. Trzebiatowski Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research Polish Academy of Sciences 2 Okólna Str., Wroclaw 50-422, Poland
  • Z. Litwicki W. Trzebiatowski Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research Polish Academy of Sciences 2 Okólna Str., Wroclaw 50-422, Poland
  • P. Perlin Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 98 Al. Prymas Tysiaclecia, Warsaw 01-424, Poland
  • T. Suski Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 98 Al. Prymas Tysiaclecia, Warsaw 01-424, Poland


Ключові слова:

thermal conductivity, GaN, thin film, phonon–electron scattering.


The thermal conductivity of three single crystal samples of n-type gallium nitride with electron densities of 4.0•1016, 2.6•1018, and 1.1•1020 cm–3 has been determined in the temperature range 4–320 K. The measurementswere carried out within the ab plane using the stationary method. The thermal conductivity depends strongly on the donor concentration. The analysis within the Callaway approach and the Debye model shows a significant influence of phonon–electron scattering on the thermal conductivity of the samples. In addition, some preliminary results obtained along the c axes of GaN layered samples are presented. The latter measurements have been car-ried out using the 3ω method.




Як цитувати

Churiukova, O.; Jeżowski, A.; Stachowiak, P.; Mucha, J.; Litwicki, Z.; Perlin, P.; Suski, T. Thermal Conductivity of Donor-Doped GaN Measured With 3ω and Stationary Methods: 10th International Conference on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals (Final Part). Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2017, 41, 725-728.





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