Photon-assisted scattering and magnetoconductivity oscillations in a strongly correlated 2D electron system formed on the surface of liquid helium
DOI:Ключові слова:
magnetoconductivity, photon-assisted scattering, interacting electrons.Анотація
The influence of strong internal forces on photon-assisted scattering and on the displacement mechanism of magnetoconductivity oscillations in a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas is theoretically studied. The theory is applied to the highly correlated system of surface electrons on liquid helium under conditions that the microwave frequency is substantially different from inter-subband resonance frequencies. A strong dependence of the amplitude of magnetoconductivity oscillations on the electron density is established. The possibility of experimental observation of such oscillations caused by photon-assisted scattering is discussed.Завантаження
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Як цитувати
Monarkha, Y. Photon-Assisted Scattering and Magnetoconductivity Oscillations in a Strongly Correlated 2D Electron System Formed on the Surface of Liquid Helium. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2014, 40, 623-639.
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