Josephson current in d-wave superconductor junctions with ferromagnetic insulator


  • Yan-Hua Liao School of Mathematics and Physics, Huangshi Institute of Technology, Huangshi 435100, People's Republic of China
  • Meng Yang School of Mathematics and Physics, Huangshi Institute of Technology, Huangshi 435100, People's Republic of China
  • Chang Ma School of Mathematics and Physics, Huangshi Institute of Technology, Huangshi 435100, People's Republic of China
  • Yu-Bin Cao School of Mathematics and Physics, Huangshi Institute of Technology, Huangshi 435100, People's Republic of China


Ключові слова:

high-Tc superconductors, ferromagnetic insulator, Josephson current.


We investigate the temperature dependence of the critical current and current-phase relation by taking into account the ferromagnetic scattering effect at interface in a d-wave superconductor (S)/ferromagnetic insulator layer (FI)/d-wave superconductor (S) junction. It is shown that both the barrier scattering and the roughness scattering at the interface always suppress the Andreev reflection. The Josephson critical currents depend to a great extent on the effective exchange field of the interface and the crystal orientation of the d-wave superconductor. The exchange field can lead to the change of the junction from 0 to π states and the alteration of the oscillation periods. It can also enhance the Josephson critical current in the junction under certain conditions.




Як цитувати

Liao, Y.-H.; Yang, M.; Ma, C.; Cao, Y.-B. Josephson Current in d-Wave Superconductor Junctions With Ferromagnetic Insulator. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2012, 38, 474-479.



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