Loosing thermodynamic stability in amorphous materials


  • Valery B. Kokshenev Departamento de Fнsica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Ciкncias Exatas Caixa Postal 702, CEP 30123-970, Belo Horizonte, Brazil



Ключові слова:

glass forming materials, ergodic hypothesis, thermodynamic instability.


The primary relaxation dynamics near the glass transformation temperature Tg exhibits universal features in all glass formers, when showing two-level tunneling states (Low Temp. Phys. 35, 282 (2009)). Researchers have long searched for any signature of the underlying “true” ergodic–nonergodic transition emerging at a certain thermodynamic instability temperature Te. Here, the relaxation timescale for glass-forming materials is analyzed within a self-consistent thermodynamic cluster description combined with the cluster percolation concept. Exploring the ergodic hypothesis, its violation is found near a crossover from the Gaussian to non-Gaussian (Poisson) cluster-volume fluctuations, describing the finite-size fractal-cluster distributions. The transformation of the compact-structure “ergodic” clusters into hole-like glassy nanoclusters is attributed to the critical-size thermal fluctuations. The ergodic–nonergodic phase diagram showing Te is predicted in the model-independent form through the glass fragility parameter known for organic and inorganic liquids and amorphous solids. In all cases the ergodic-instability temperature is located below and close to the glass transformation temperature, whereas the distance between the two characteristic temperatures decreases with growing the material fragility.




Як цитувати

Kokshenev, V. B. Loosing Thermodynamic Stability in Amorphous Materials. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2011, 37, 551-557.





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