Nature of critical current and coherent phenomena in granular MoNx thin films
DOI:Ключові слова:
PACS: 74.50. r, 74.76.Db, 74.80.-gАнотація
Investigations of the critical current versus temperature and applied magnetic field were carried out for granular MoNx films. All sampels display a two-stage superconducting transition and can be treated as a percolating network of SNS contacts with a Josephson coupling between grains. The temperature behavior of the critical current for the films studied is the same as the Ic(T) dependence for a SNS junction in the diffusive limit. The value of critical current in a magnetic field is governed by the pinning of Josephson vortices.
Як цитувати
Prokhorov, V. G.; Kaminsky, G. G.; Lee, Y. P.; Kravchenko, I. I. Nature of Critical Current and Coherent Phenomena in Granular MoNx Thin Films. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2000, 26, 1191-1196.
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