Heat capacity of p-H2-p-D2-Ne solid solution: Effect of (p-D2)Ne clusters
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1943528Ключові слова:
PACS: 65.40. gАнотація
The heat capacity of a solid solution of 1% p-D2 and 0.25% Ne in p-H2 has been investigated in the interval DT = 0.5–4 K. An excess heat capacity DCNe of this solution exceeding the heat capacity of the 1% p-D2 in p-H2 solution has been detected and analyzed. It is found that below 2 K the dominant contribution to the heat capacity DCNe is made by the rotation of the p-D2 molecules in the (p-D2)Ne type clusters. The number of (p-D2)Ne clusters in the solid sample is strongly dependent on the conditions of preparation. The splitting of the J = 1 level of the p-D2 molecules in the (p-D2)Ne clusters D = 3.2 K is consistent with the theoretical estimate.Завантаження
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Як цитувати
Bagatskii, M.; Minchina, I.; Bagatskii, V. Heat Capacity of p-H2-p-D2-Ne Solid Solution: Effect of (p-D2)Ne Clusters. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2005, 31, 620-623.
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